Associate Member
Willebroekkaai 36, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: 00 32 478 56 57 63; 00 32 2 790 96 60
GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Education of the Flemish Community
Who we are
GO! has 10 centres for adult education and organises public education for the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium. We believe in developing the talents of young people equally and we offer them various opportunities. Our work is independent of the Flemish Ministry of Education. The main mission is to guarantee free choice of education in Flanders and Brussels. We are supported by administrative and pedagogic services, including an in-service training department in Brussels.
What we do
Adult education is an indispensable link for realising our mission. Equal educational opportunities and maximisation of talents are at the heart of the PPGO! We are engaged in the European agenda for adult education.
In GO! we believe that adult education has the power to increase participation in lifelong learning. Through formal learning, adult education offers people the opportunity to obtain qualifications at any stage of their lives. Adult education promotes competence development beyond the attainment of short-term objectives. It can develop basic competencies that are key to enabling sustainable learning.
Adult education is an important lever for economic, social and cultural development in our society. It can increase employability and active participation which allows for more social inclusion. It contributes to the personal and professional development. ALE leads to self-development and higher personal well-being.
We at GO! focus on three cornerstone functions of adult education:
- general education
- qualification-oriented education
- second-chance
To realise these functions GO! offers different educational options. The education is formal, free and non-denominational. Diploma-oriented courses and full qualification courses are offered by GO! There are integrated pathways with literacy in the NT2. By targeting specific groups we are attempting to help reverse the matteüse effect in adult education.
Adult education is becoming increasingly relevant for social inclusion. The GO! education centres support learners to better their skills and achieve their goals.
Best practices
Crescendo CVO and VDAB offer you the Bicycle Repairer training in workplace learning
Adult Education in the Future – article in Dutch.
What Adult Education is for GO! in short – a website page in Dutch.
Vision Text for GO! 2030 – an article about the vision of GO! in Dutch.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Belgium
Associate member
The Digital Collective (DigiCo)
Associate member
GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Education of the Flemish Community
Associate member
Service Général de la Jeunesse et Education permanente - General Service of Youth and Permanent Education (Lifelong Learning)
Ordinary member
Lire et Écrire - Reading and Writing
Members by country
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