Associate Member

Raval St Pere 1, Reus, 43201 Spain
Phone: 00 34 877 001 000
Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe
Who we are
OpenEurope is a non-for-profit organisation with the main office in Reus (Catalonia, Spain). The Association was created by educators and learners of different age, social status, and national origin who recognise that in the modern world we are teachers and students simultaneously and all of us are direct or indirect participants of this life-long process.
It is an education and training centre offering formal, informal and non-formal learning opportunities to adults, particularly young people and youth workers, in 6 community centres and 3 youth centres of the province of Tarragona.
OpenEurope is the qualified multiplier point of the European network EURODESK in the province of Tarragona, an information service about European programmes and initiatives in the fields of education, training, and youth.
OpenEurope is a co-founding member of the European network “CityBound” and coordinates the activities of the network in Spain training youth leaders and preparing groups of young people and youth workers to participate in training courses and exchanges abroad.
In addition, a special attention is paid to strengthening the capacity of non-governmental organizations and volunteerism dedicated to solving or improving social problems as well as involvement all members of the community in the activities of these entities, especially those related to civil participation and technology at the service of the people or Smart Cities.
What we do
Adult education:
- Courses and trainings for adult learners: foreign languages, ICT, dance, cookery and personal growth classes
- Trainings for adult educators focusing on application of digital tools, robotics, and coding
Information Technologies (ICT) and Smart Cities:
- Development of web platforms and mobile applications
- Integration of information systems
- Tailored training programmes for companies and schools
Labour Market Integration:
- Trainings for young people and long-term unemployed to improve their employability
- Professional orientation
- Organisation of internship programmes
Accessibility and social integration of people with disabilities:
- Organisation of raising awareness campaigns
- Definition of accessible routes
- Tailored training programmes for adults with special educational needs.
International Mobility Service of the municipality of Reus, providing information and guidance on studying, working, and volunteering abroad to all interested young people and youth workers of the province.
Help Desk of the Volunteering and Community Service of the municipality of Cambrils, getting connection between organisations and volunteers of the area.
Best practices
- Erasmus+ KA204 “Count Me In” coordinated by OpenEurope is a multinational project aimed at improving civic competences of adult learners through digital tools and smart solutions through the Open Educational Resource that contains interactive databases and e-courses for educators and learners in various European languages. Find out more from the project website.
- Since 2012, adult learners of the community centres of the Tarragona province supported by our teachers of foreign languages (English, French, and German) have developed 12 cultural routes in a language they learn. The routes are also available in Easy-to-Read format. See an example of a guided visit under this link.
- All-European network “City Bound” was created in 2014 with the objective to promote adventure-based learning: young people’ and youth workers’ exchanges across Europe to discover, outside their usual environment, new methods of guidance while learning to work in team and interact with young people from different cultures. During 6 years, more than 1000 young people and youth workers have participated in international mobilities organized around Europe. Consult an article on the European Youth Portal and see examples of exchanges (here, here and here)
- Erasmus+ KA204 “Open Your Eyes: Fake News for Dummies” project seeks to improve the digital literacy of adult learners by providing them with tools to identify fake news and fight the spread of disinformation online. Find out more from the project website.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Spain

Associate member
Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe

Associate member
Asociación ECCA

Ordinary member
Federación Española de Universidades Populares (FEUP) Spanish Federation of Popular Universities

Associate member
Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (FACEPA) - Federation of Cultural and Adult Education Associations

Ordinary member
Associació Catalana per a l´Educació, la Formació i la Recerca (ACEFIR) - Catalan Association for Education, Training and Research
Members by country
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