Associate Member

Lustkandlgasse 50, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: (0043) 1 189 174
Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH (VHS Wien) - The Viennese Adult Education Center Ltd.
Who we are?
We advocate an open and socially just society – VHS Vienna stands for educational opportunities for all people to fully develop their potential and to be able to actively participate in society. In this way, we make an important contribution to the quality of life and coexistence of all Viennese people and stand against discrimination and exclusion.
We are proud of more than 130 years of tradition in Viennese adult education. Throughout all these years we have become an important part of the city of Vienna, its history, culture and educational landscape. From the very beginning, adult education has been committed to democratic access to knowledge and education. We at the Vienna Adult Education Centers remain true to this principle to this day.
What we do?
In our education centers we provide 13,500 courses per year and 30,000 educational counselling sessions per year.
We offer courses in the following fields, corresponding to the seven key competences of lifelong learning:
- Languages (first languages and foreign languages)
- Health and Exercise
- Art, Creativity and Craftsmanship
- Personality Formation
- Politics and Society
- Economy and Management
- Computers, Internet and Multimedia
Best practices
Together with EAEA and other European adult education organisations we cooperate in the project “FutureLabAE”
In various projects we work together with a lot of partners all over Europe:
We also participate in the Austrian project “StartWien – Das Jugendcollege” which supports young migrants with their educational and vocational needs:
Watch a video about us:
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Austria

Associate member
Katholisches Bildungswerk Kärnten (KBW)

Associate member
Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH (VHS Wien) - The Viennese Adult Education Center Ltd.

Ordinary member
Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen (VÖV) - Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres

Associate member
Bildungshaus Retzhof GmbH

Ordinary member
ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich
Members by country
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