Ordinary Member

Eesti Vabaharidusliit - Estonian Non-Formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA)
Who we are?
ENEAE is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. ENAEA is the national umbrella organization for adult education organizations/providers and have 69-member organizations.
The mission of the ENAEA is to support its members’ aspirations in education by building a learning environment needed for the development of civil society as well as raising public awareness of non-formal education.
What we do?
The focus of ENAEA is to ensure that lifelong learning in Estonia supports learners’ needs and participants’ active involvement in study process, assuring the accessibility in learning for all. ENAEA participates in creating educational policy on local, regional and state level; promotes contacts between own members and similar organizations at home and in other countries, spreading the experience and best practices.
ENAEA is an organization active in adult education policy. It collects and publishes educational materials; carries out projects; cooperates with organizations having similar objectives in national and international level.
ENAEA has experience in different research and network projects: EQF, NQF, adult educators’ profession and qualification issues (national and international level, incl. training of trainers), basic skills and vocational education, key competences and non-formal education; involvement of disadvantage learners into non-formal learning etc.
Our best practices
- Project Improving the effectiveness of adult education for disadvantaged groups (IMPADA): A framework and tools for the evaluation of the effectiveness of adult learning providers towards disadvantaged to a) engage adult learning providers in a self-review process to evaluate the effectiveness of their provision on disadvantaged.
- Project Inspiring Guide for Learn to Learn (IG4L2L): the aim of the project is to improve Learning to Learn (L2L) abilities of adult learners.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in 463
Members by country
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