Ordinary Member

9 Jõe Street, Tallinn 10151 Estonia
Phone: +3726211671
Email: andras (at) andras.ee
WWW: http://www.andras.ee
ANDRAS: Eesti Täiskasvanute Koolitajate Assotsiatsioon (ETKA) - ANDRAS: Association of Estonian Adult Educators (AEAE)
Who we are?
The mission of ANDRAS is to provide the prerequisites for lifelong learning in Estonia, to include the decision makers and all other stakeholders in designing the educational environment and to motivate learners in the learning process.
What we do?
- participating in the development of education policy
- taking active part in promoting adult education and the concept of lifelong learning in Estonia building up education-friendly environment
- organizing campaigns and events highlighting the value of education such as the Adult Learner’s Week and Adult Education Forum
- participating in national and international projects focused upon adult learning
- recognizing the profession of an adult educator and attributing professional qualifications
- consulting member organizations and engaging them in the projects advancing the development of adult education
Our best practices
- Andras is participating as a coordinator and partner in implementation of European Social Fund and Erasmus+ Program of the European Union projects
- Promoting Adult Learning and Expanding the Range of Learning Opportunities (2015 – 2018)
- Taking to the Top – Adult Educators on the Journey (TTop) (2016 – 2018)
- Old Guys Say Yes to Community (2016 – 2019)
- AGENDA – Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (2012 – 2019)
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Estonia

Ordinary member
Association for Folk High Schools in Estonia
Association for Folk High Schools contributes to the development of Folk High Schools throughout Estonia and to increase their capacity...
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Ordinary member
ANDRAS: Eesti Täiskasvanute Koolitajate Assotsiatsioon (ETKA) - ANDRAS: Association of Estonian Adult Educators (AEAE)
The mission of ANDRAS is to provide the prerequisites for lifelong learning in Estonia, to include the decision makers and...
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Ordinary member
Eesti Vabaharidusliit - Estonian Non-Formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA)
ENEAE is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. ENAEA is the national umbrella organization for adult education organizations/providers with 69 member organizations.
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Members by country
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