
23.08.2022 projects, social inclusion

Towards more understanding and solidarity: first results of the SAFE project now available

Why do we need safe spaces in adult learning, and whose responsibility is it to ensure them? The first result of the SAFE project, the Guide on Safe Spaces for Learning, provides some answers.

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16.08.2022 EAEA Grundtvig Award 2022, financial literacy

Financial literacy for women

“There is a rising global interest and huge need for financial literacy” says Athina Psariai from Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED). Psariai introduces the FLOW project, which focuses on financial education of marginalised women and received honourable mention at the EAEA Grundtvig Awards 2022.

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11.08.2022 EAEA members, employment

Learning and employment opportunities in a society of equals: meet Learning and Work Institute

“Our vision is for a prosperous and fair society in which learning and work provide opportunities for everyone to realise their potential and ambitions throughout life”, says Alex Stevenson, Head of Essential and Life Skills at the Learning and Work Institute. In interview with EAEA, Stevenson gives insight into the work of the institute. This article is part of EAEA’s campaign introducing our members to the wider adult education community.

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09.08.2022 disability, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2022, EAEA members, inclusion

Brave New Words: Creating learning pathways for special learning disorders

“Critical thinking and autonomy are core values of transformative learning”, says Sonia Nicoforo Project Manager of CEIPES. Brave New Words, the winning project of Grundtvig Awards in the Transnational Category focuses on cultivating innovative learning through 3D Printing and Augmented Reality in the field of Special Education.

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20.07.2022 EAEA members, employment

Harnessing the power of knowledge for employment and personal development: meet Odyssea

Recently, Odyssea became an associate member of EAEA. Odyssea is a non-profit organisation based in Athens, Greece, that supports young vulnerable people in gaining access to employment opportunities in society. Programme Manager Thodoris Kostoulas gives insight into the main activities of the organisation and its future plans.

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13.07.2022 advocacy, trainings

Guidance for learning and career in the spotlight at the EAEA Younger Staff Training this September

Are you interested in guidance for learning and career? Would you like to build a new professional network? Join the EAEA Younger Staff Training, which will take place on 12-16 September in Brussels, Belgium. Registrations are now open!

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11.07.2022 advocacy, funding

How will adult learning and education providers be supported in the Individual Learning Accounts?

On 31 May 2022, the Council Recommendation on individual learning accounts was adopted. What does it hold in store for adult learning and education (ALE)? EAEA believes that there needs to be stronger support for the supply side of ALE, adequate quality assurance and a learner-centred approach.

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04.07.2022 advocacy, country reports

MEMBERS EXCLUSIVE: Country reports survey 2022 launched!

EAEA has launched its country reports survey 2022! The aim of the country reports is to present the state of adult learning and education (ALE) from a civil society perspective. The more we know about your country, the better we can inform the European level about new developments, innovations and problems and target our advocacy.

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14.06.2022 EAEA events, EAEA General Assembly, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2022

Seven new members join EAEA

EAEA has welcomed seven new members at the General Assembly 30 May in Mechelen, Belgium. The new members come from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Austria, Italy, and Serbia.

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14.06.2022 EAEA Annual Conference, EAEA events, Transformative Learning

EAEA Annual Conference 2022: Searching for the role of adult learning and education in a transforming world

EAEA Annual Conference on Transformative Learning and Values was held in Mechelen Cultural Centre, Belgium on 30-31 May 2022. The event gathered around 80 adult education professionals from 25 countries.

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