
04.08.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Home budget management courses for people in Europe

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. As globalisation, ICT growth and the overwhelming inflow of new goods are becoming more demanding for customers, the need for financial education grows.

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01.08.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Transforming older adults’ increased free time into learning opportunities

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. Over the last two decades, Portugal has been experiencing problems such as unemployment and early retirement.

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28.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Supporting migrants in Croatia

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. Including migrant people who are economically inactive in education is necessary for their successful integration.

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25.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Empowering disadvantaged learners through art

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. The Creativity and Growth “Vi På Vrangen” project helps people who face challenges in regard to mental/physical endurance.

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21.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Incorporating yoga into the daily life of people with disabilities

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. In Ireland, a new program was created to help people with disabilities deal with stress.

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18.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Empowering women from marginalised communities

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. In India, Indonesia and Philippines, childhood marriages of girls are frequent.

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14.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

New skills for raising the standard of living in Kenya

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. A combination of agricultural and literacy skills can lead to an improvement in the quality of life.

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11.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Giving a voice for inmates

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. Supporting prison inmates in learning and giving a voice to those who rarely get it heard were among the aims of the Second Chance project.

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07.07.2017 eaea grundtvig award 2017

Social inclusion through literacy skills

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. By engaging a diverse group of learners with different literacy skill levels the Letters for Life project managed to increase the wellbeing of its target group.

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06.07.2017 EAEA events, engaging new learners

EAEA Annual Conference 2017: The challenges and solutions for engaging new learners

What are the target groups currently under-represented among the adult learners? What challenges do we face in engaging new learner groups

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