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Webinar series by the Hellenic Adult Education Association


The Hellenic Adult Education Association is organising a series of three webinars to celebrate 2o years of adult education offers. The Ethics of Transformative Education Wednesday, 17th of January 2024, 17.00-19.00 (CET) Chad Hoggan, Associate Professor of Adult & Lifelong Education, North Carolina State University, Co-Editor Journal of Transformative Education, Cyril O. Houle Award 2021 Read More

EAEA member’s online discussion – Applying for Erasmus+ KA1 mobilities: tips and tricks


EAEA member's online discussion is organised jointly by EAEA and our Polish member NGO Trainers'Association (sTOP). The discussion will take place via Zoom on the 30th of January at 10AM-11.15AM CET/Brussels time. If you are a member of EAEA and want to join, please contact EAEA Head of Capacity-Building Aleksandra Kozyra at As the Read More

Webinar: Collaborative educational leadership for the well-being of adult educators


The role of collaborative educational leadership to support the well-being of adult learning educators. This webinar will explore the pivotal role of collaborative educational leadership in supporting the well-being of adult learning educators. From exploring the impact of European Commission policies on the attractiveness of adult learning to addressing staff shortages in Italy and Portugal, Read More

Green Transition Dialogues

In the Tale Erasmus+ project, adult education organisations engage with learners, communities, grassroots initiatives such as social movements and green activists to provide new insights on transformative learning. In the three-part webinar series Green Transition Dialogues, we will showcase innovative practices, expert insights, and foster discussions on how different stakeholders can work together for a Read More

Establishing an Upskilling Pathways network in adult education


EAEA invites you to join the online workshop of the Partner UP project, and discover what Upskilling Pathways are and how they can serve you in your everyday work. We are going to provide you with space to share your upskilling initiatives and potentially establish correlations with other members. WHEN:  Tuesday, 27th of February between 9:30 Read More

EAEA European Elections Lab 2: Popular assemblies in ALE


During the second edition of the European Elections Lab, we will explore the concept of popular assemblies and how it can be applied in the context of adult learning and education. We will also discuss how popular assemblies or learner assemblies can provide a platform for civic engagement and for discussion about the European elections. Read More

Culture on Prescription multiplier event

Mundo-J, Brussels, Belgium Rue de l'Industrie 10, Brussels, Belgium

Mark your calendars! 6 March 12.00-16.00 CET The Cultuture on Prescription multiplier event will be an opportunity for you to learn more about our project and the great outcomes we've achieved. To join us, get registered via this link.

Establishing Cooperation for Effective Outreach in Upskilling Pathways

Mundo-J, Brussels, Belgium Rue de l'Industrie 10, Brussels, Belgium

EAEA invites you to join the in-person development group of the Partner UP project, and discover strategies for enhancing outreach in Upskilling Pathways. This workshop aims to address the critical issue of missing outreach, particularly targeting NEETs and vulnerable groups who have not been reached effectively in the past. We are aiming to foster cooperation between relevant Read More

Peer to Peer Learning: The Whole Institution Approach in Adult Education


The Project "International ESD Alliances" invites all colleagues from the field of Adult Learning and Education to join us for an Online “Peer to Peer Learning” Session! For the past three years, the project has brought together Adult Education institutions and network organisations from various countries to experiment on how to implement a “Whole Institution Approach” to further Read More