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What is the role of educators for quality assurance in education? Lifelong Learning Week 2024

This workshop will explore the direct and fundamental role of educators for quality assured Education and Learning ecosystems, including the importance of educators’ competences and their certification/recognition and how these aspects can also affect and influence trust in education systems, access for learners and availability of funding. This event receives financial support from the EU-funded RALExILA project (National Registries of Adult Learning and Education to support the deployment of Individual Learning Accounts).

The event is co-organised by European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and Knowledge Innovation Center (KIC), in the framework of the 14th edition of the Lifelong Learning Week 2024 taking place on 18-22 November 2024. The LLLWeek will be held with the overarching theme of “21st century challenges for the teaching profession: a call for system change”.


15:00 – 16:30

  • Welcome and introduction by EAEA and KIC
  • The role of educators in quality assurance: the perspectives of higher education and non-formal education at a glance – Short input from experts from higher education and non-formal adult learning and education
  • Group discussions addressing the question ‘What is quality assurance in education for you?’
  • Discussion and Closing remarks

… followed by a light reception until 18:00

Event page and registration: https://www.lllplatform.eu/event-details/what-is-the-role-of-educators-for-quality-assurance-in-ale




Mundo Trone

Rue de l'Industrie 10
Brussels, 1000 Belgium
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