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Upskilling pathways – how to go from practice to policy?

The upcoming series of five webinars will inspire participants with new approaches for assessing skills, tailoring courses to learners’ needs and validating prior learning.

Upskilling Pathways is a European strategy aimed at strengthening learning provision for adults with low basic skills. The webinars are connected to the three steps of the Upskilling Pathways (UP) initiative:  1) Skills assessment, 2) Tailor-made learning offer and 3) Validation and recognition of skills.

The webinars will evaluate how the UP initiative is implemented in the UP-AEPRO-partner countries (Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Portugal, Sweden and the UK), and participants are invited to share their experiences in their own work context (country, organisation, project, daily work etc).

Who should attend?

The webinars are targeted at adult educators, course providers and policy makers who would like to deepen their understanding of the UP initiative and get inspired by good practises in teaching basic skills.

Read more about the webinars on this page: Upskilling Pathways – how to go from practice to policy?

Webinar schedule

1. Individual-centred approach to validation

18 February 2020 11.00am–12.00pm CET

2. Citizens’ Curriculum as a holistic approach to learning basic skills

3 March 2020 11.00am–12.00pm CET

3. The value of validation of prior learning in working life

17 March 2020 11.00am–12.00pm CET

4. Competence needs in working life – what competences are we looking for in the future?

31 March 2020 11.00am–12.00pm CET (date to be confirmed)

5. Implementing Upskilling Pathways – frontiers in Portugal & Sweden

14 April 2020 11.00am–12.00pm CET

The webinar series is organised by Upskilling Pathways in AEPRO (UP-AEPRO) -project. UP-AEPRO project (2018 – 2020) addresses the need of adult education trainers and policymakers to learn more about European policies and other countries’ practises and innovations in adult learning, especially the Upskilling Pathways initiative.

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to 4.12.
Fundação Manuel António da Mota