European Parliament
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Lifelong Learning Interest Group: Investing in education and lifelong learning
This third meeting of the Lifelong Learning Interest Group in 2018 will see the presence of the EC Vice President Jyrki Katainen and will focus on how the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework and generation of EU programmes can support education, training and lifelong learning. This ranges from the flagship Erasmus+ programme to others which touch on various dimensions of learning such as Horizon Europe and the Rights and Values programme, or the European Social Fund+. Recent developments at the European level – including the proposed vision of a European Education Area and the first-ever Education Summit – show the growing recognition of the role that learning in all its forms can play in securing a better future for Europe’s citizens, as well as the immense benefit of EU cooperation in complementing Member States’ policies in this area.
Consult the agenda and register.
The event is part of the Lifelong Learning Week organised by the Lifelong Learning Platform together with its members.