Member's event:
Designing a long educational cycle: training course
EAEA Polish member the NGO Trainers Association STOP invites you to join a course on Designing a long educational cycle.
Most of the trainers and facilitators participating in ToTs or trainers’ school learn how to design and prepare a training – a form taking from few hours up to few days. In many cases and educational fields one meeting is not enough, we need to designs educational process which needs to have a form of a cycle consisting more than one educational method (training, project group, one to one consultations, coaching etc). Trainers and educators participating in the course will have the opportunity to learn what are the specifics of longer educational process comparing to single training.
The cost includes attendance of 5 days course, educational materials and coffee breaks. The price for full course for one person is 350 euros.
Find out more about the outcomes and content of the course and register.