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Adult learning and migration: member discussion

How can adult learning organisations and practitioners better support their learners with a migration background?

Join our member discussion at 10:00 – 11:30 CET.

At the event, you will hear from Professor Srabani Maitra from the University of Glasgow and the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA. Prof. Maitra will introduce her research in the area of soft skills training of migrants of colour in Canada, taking the perspective of race, gender and class. In her research, which included interviews with participants of training programmes, trainers and employers, Professor Maitra looked at the topics of agency, identity and belonging in labour market integration.

You will also be invited to share the reflections on the role of adult learning in inclusion of migrants, and to suggest the topics related to adult learning and migration that EAEA should explore further in 2024.

The discussion is open to EAEA members and researchers representing the ESREA network, and is organised within the framework of the new collaboration between EAEA and ESREA.

Register to the discussion

For more information please contact the Head of Capacity Building aleksandra.kozyra[at]eaea.org





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29.10. @ 3:00 pm

to 29.10. @ 5:00 pm