
Experiences of the MASTER Transnational Training

The MASTER Transnational Training was held on 19, 20 and 21 July.
The training was part of the MASTERplan, a bridge programme of personalised learning activities, which is one of the objectives of this Erasmus+ project.

The three-day MASTER Transnational Training event was designed to promote peer learning and the exchange of good practices, aiming at the reinforcement of the partner organisations’ training competencies. The partner organisations will carry out tailor-made non-formal learning activities to develop of Personal, Social and Learning to Learn (PSA) skills of adults with low skills, specifically the selected target groups of the project (unemployed, migrants and adults with vulnerable backgrounds).


On the first day, methodological sharing presentations were made by various partners. The project team was also pleased to welcome a senior expert for adult vocational learning and training from the European Commission, Sofie Doskarova (Policy Assistant at the European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion).

On the second day of the event, participants worked and shared their knowledge on:

  • Practices to support the participation of low-skilled adults in further education and re-skilling opportunities, with the special participation of guest Daniela Ermini from “EPALE NSS”, Italy
  • How to address gender differences in the implementation of the MASTERplan, presented by Sylvia Liuti, from “FORMA.Azione”, Italy.
  • Methodologies and teaching resources for the development/reinforcement of PES skills of low-skilled adults. Presentations by training experts from various partners contributed to the programme of the second day.

The last day of the event was marked by the intervention of Arianna Sala, Research Fellow at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. She presented the European framework for key competences.

The participants also addressed other aspects of the Master Plan, namely how the project will respond to the needs of social inclusion, the impact assessment, and the next steps to follow.

At the end of each session and based on the contribution of the speakers, a wide range of topics related to the different presentations was discussed, namely concerning educational processes and learning models, the role of practitioners and how to better involve learners by using their experiences and points of view.

The exchanges helped to reflect on the key issues of the project, to further develop and validate the MASTER Plan and to look forward to what comes next.

The MASTER project

The training was organised in the framework of the MASTER project “MASTER – Measures to Support the Transition of Adults to Education and Skills Upgrading Opportunities”, which is funded by the Erasmus+ programme (key action 2) of the European Commission and coordinated by Italian organisation Forma.Azione SRL. This article is produced by Kerigma – Instituto de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social de Barcelos one of the MASTER project partners, along with other five organisations from five European countries.

The MASTER project started in November 2019, lasting 30 months. The project introduces training and educational opportunities to adults with low skills, aiming to improve their situation in the labour market by developing their self-assessment skills and their personal, social and “learning to learn” (PSA) skills. PSA skills represent a wide range of competences that can be transversal across jobs and sectors and that, by fostering self-awareness, can be considered the most urgent skills the adults with low skills should have.


Partners in the project are FORMA.Azione, Italy; Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy; SWAPWest, Scotland; Kerigma, Portugal; DOREA, Cyprus; and EAEA, Belgium.

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