EAEA's new paper explores access to adult learning in rural areas from various angles and aims to contribute to outreach approaches to adult learning and education.

New paper explores access to adult learning in rural areas

EAEA has published a new background paper on access to adult learning in rural areas. The paper aims to raise awareness of the barriers and challenges that rural adults face,  as well as the necessity for adult education providers and policy-makers to always take into consideration their unique context and needs.

This paper explores the barriers that prevent adults in rural areas from participating in education and learning, as well as successful practices that embrace the outreach and access theme and improve adult learning in rural areas.

The paper aims to raise awareness of adult learning in rural areas, as well as rural adults’ needs and context. It argues that learning in rural areas is not discussed as much as learning in urban spaces, politically or academically. Something that needs to be changed in order to allow more people to participate in learning and create programmes that reflect their real needs.

Download the paper here. The permanent link to the document can be found at the EAEA website in » Our work » Impacting policy » Statements.

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