
Call for expression of interest

EAEA is about to start a project that will give support to the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture to develop a new Lifelong Learning strategy. EAEA is looking for an organisation to support the implementation of the project in Cyprus.

The EAEA team mainly works in Brussels, so it will be necessary to have someone who can support us in Cyprus. This support is therefore not meant for individual and specific activities and outputs, but a general support during the whole project period.

Tasks that will be expected to be undertaken:

  • (Co-) organisation of events
  • Support for the research (especially the field research)
  • Contacting stakeholders
  • Dissemination and information in Greek
  • Support the development of the Lifelong Learning Strategy, Action Plan and consultations
  • Contact researchers / providers / learners etc for research, workshops and other undertakings
  • Provide knowledge and information about Cypriot specifics
  • Close cooperation with the Cypriot authorities
  • Be a contact person for Cypriots interested and/or concerned by the project

Necessary skills, competences and capacities:

  • Knowledge of lifelong learning policy and practice in Cyprus
  • Event organisations
  • Excellent English
  • Administrative support
  • Research capacities

If you are interested, please contact gina.ebner(at)eaea.org until 24 June 2020, 17.00 CEST. Please include a short description of the organisation and its ability to fulfill the tasks. If the description fits the necessary competences, you will receive more information about the project and be asked to tender for the subcontract.


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