
EAEA Country Reports 2019 published

For the sixth year in a row EAEA presents its country reports – a civil society view of adult education in Europe. These country reports are based on surveys filled in by our members from 30 different European countries, helping to give a voice to civil society organisations and grass roots movements in adult education on a European stage.

This is the last edition that will take this format, as, from now on, we will be presenting the country reports on a new database – making it even easier to compare situations year by year, and country by country, as well as providing an opportunity for researching policy relating to specific areas – ‘Upskilling Pathways’ for example.

The country reports provide a means for:

  • Informing colleagues and adult education stakeholders across Europe with developments and recommendations for your country
  • Comparison between your situation and that of other countries or regions in Europe over the past six years
  • Provide inspiration on innovative practices for colleagues and policy makers

The country specific information on adult education policy could act as a tool for influencing the European Semester, the cycle of yearly economic and structural policy coordination from the European Commission.

For more information:

Adult Education in Europe 2019 – A Civil Society View pdf

Previous country report publications

24.07.2024 advocacy

Adult Education and Learning for all must become a top European priority in the European Education Area

Adult education and learning for all to become a top European priority for the newly elected European Parliament and the new European Commission,  EAEA said in response to the European Commission's open public consultation on the mid-term review of the European Education Area.

22.07.2024 advocacy

EAEA’s take on von der Leyen’s re-election: important commitments on skills and adult learning

EAEA welcomes the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission on July 18. Von der Leyen’s previous Commission has led crucial initiatives to put skills and adult learning at the top of the political agenda, notably the European Year of Skills 2023.

16.07.2024 access

Making Education Accessible and Inclusive for Families, Parents and Family Carers: COFACE and EAEA call for a ‘Family Test’ in EU Education and Training Policies

In the context of the European Commission public consultation on the European Education Area, COFACE Families Europe and EAEA call for a 'family test' in EU education and training programmes.