
Council Recommendation on Validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) – EAEA’s response

EAEA sees validation as a key tool in order to promote lifelong learning, to ensure more flexible learning pathways, to encourage learners and build their self-confidence as well as to create a more comprehensive understanding of competences.

European Commission has opened a public consultation on the Council Recommendation on Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (2012). In its response, EAEA recognizes the importance of the Council Recommendation in creating a momentum for validation and believes that the Recommendation has contributed in generating national action towards more and better validation opportunities.

However, a lot still needs to be done in order to enable individuals to progress in their educational or professional development.

EAEA’s response outlines how the validation processes should be improved. The response is backed by the work carried out by Action plan for validation and non-formal adult education -project (AVA). AVA project consortium has published an evidence-based set of recommendations for all the stakeholders involved in validation and an action plan from the point of view of non-formal adult education providers: the AVA action plan.

Read EAEA’s response on VNFIL recommendation (pdf)

More information:
Gina Ebner
EAEA Secretary-General
tel: +32 2 893 25 24

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