
In memoriam Ruth Jermann

Ruth Jermann, former Deputy Director of SVEB and member of the EAEA Executive Board, succumbed to her serious illness on 17 March 2019.

Ruth Jermann has been passionately committed to adult education for 18 years until her retirement in 2015. The sensitization-campaign “Learning Festival” was one of the projects dearest to her heart. She had a decisive influence on the project with her wealth of ideas. She promoted the project both nationally and internationally. Ruth Jermann represented Switzerland in numerous international projects and has always worked to ensure that adult education in Switzerland and Europe was looking beyond one’s own nose.

SVEB and EAEA remember Ruth Jermann as an energetic, enthusiastic colleague and are grateful for the great contribution she has made to adult education.



28.02.2025 green transition

The SMALEI Final Conference: Empowering Adult Learning and Education for a Sustainable Future

The SMALEi conference provided a vital platform for discussing the role of adult learning and education (ALE) in fostering sustainability. Bringing together policymakers, ALE institutions, practitioners, civil society representatives, and lifelong learning experts, the conference focused on equipping institutions with the tools and frameworks necessary to contribute to Europe's sustainability goals.

24.02.2025 advocacy

OECD’s recent Assessment of Adult Competencies and its meaning for European educators

On the 20th of February, EAEA and EBSN (European Basic Skills Network) organised a webinar dedicated to the recently published results of the PIAAC study. Highlighting learner stories, the webinar started with a personal one from Donna Ridings, followed by the keynote speaker Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's Director for Education and Skills. The panellists brought key insights into national, local and regional approaches, struggles and good practices.

11.02.2025 advocacy

Advancing Gender Equality in Lifelong Learning: Insights from the Gender Equality Task Force Kick-off Meeting

At the beginning of February, the Gender Equality Task Force for Lifelong Learning organised an online kick-off for its 2025 activities. The webinar was an opportunity for the members of the Task Force, including policy advisors, institutional directors, project officers, and public authorities, to discuss the initiative’s upcoming activities. 17 participants attended the meeting.