
EAEA Country reports 2018 published

For the fifth consecutive year EAEA launches its annual country reports in order to provide a civil society insight into the situation of adult education across the continent. The reports outline developments in adult education in different European countries over the past year while they are providing a ground for comparisons between countries. The 2018 edition gathers information from 37 countries.

The country specific information on adult education policy can possibly act as a tool for  influencing the European Semester, the cycle of yearly economic and structural policy coordination from the European Commission.

Adult Education in Europe 2018 – A Civil Society View provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Inform your colleagues across Europe – but also policy makers at different levels – on what you think about the main developments in adult education in your country;
  • Compare your situation with that of other organisations in Europe;
  • Get inspired and propose ideas and good practices to colleagues and policy-makers across Europe;
  • Additionally, in a few years a more long-term comparison of developments will be possible.

The publication is available online in PDF form and as a hard copy at EAEA Secretariat in Brussels.

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