
Registration open: ImplOED and LSE final conferences

Registration for the “ImplOED and LSE final conferences: improving lives and social cohesion through adult education” have now been opened. The events will be organised on 16-17 October.

The two-day conference will present the final results of two Erasmus+ projects coordinated by EAEA: Implementing Outreach, Empowerment and Diversity (implOED) and Life Skills for Europe (LSE). The discussions will be centred around the role of life skills and outreach, empowerment and diversity in improving social cohesion and lives of people living in the EU.

More information on the events can be found on the event page.

October 16th, 2.30pm – 5.30pm, Brussels

Life Skills for Europe: Transforming lives, society and adult education through life skills

October 17th, 9.00am – 5.30pm, Brussels

ImplOED – Implementing Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity: Transforming lives, society and adult education through outreach, empowerment and diversity

08.03.2024 projects

Sharing and Learning from National Initiatives for Upskilling Pathways

The Partner UP project organised a development group on February 27, 2024, to enhance cooperation and trust-building among stakeholders for the implementation of the Upskilling Pathways recommendation. The online meeting aimed to provide participants with a space to share their upskilling initiatives, facilitate peer learning, and potentially establish correlations.

29.02.2024 Erasmus+

Digital information path for EU funding available now

A new online tool enables adult learning and education organisations and providers to find EU project funding instruments that are relevant to their needs and meet the operational capacity of the organisations. The tool was developed in the framework of the Erasmus+funded small-scale partnership Path2EU4AE, coordinated by CONEDU and implemented in partnership with EAEA, Auxilium, and Maribor adult education centre.

15.02.2024 Hall of Fame

Call for nominations to the Hall of Fame

The International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame has opened a Call for Nominations.