Adult learning in the workplace that responds to individuals’, employers’ and societal demands needs to become a policy priority, the ET2020 Working Group suggests.

Report of the ET2020 Working Group on Adult Learning published

The role of the Education and Training Working Group on Adult Learning 2016-2018 of the European Commission, on which EAEA also had a seat, was to identify policies that promote and support workplace learning of adults. The final report is now available.

The report focuses especially in adults struggling with reading, writing, making simple calculations and using digital tools; and on adults with medium skills in need of up-skilling.

The report presents the outcomes of the work carried out in the ET2020 Working Group on Adult Learning. It identifies key messages for policy development along with case studies to inspire new thinking.

EAEA has been the member of the Working Group.

More information

Text: EAEAPhotos: Pexels

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