
Social inclusion for disabled people

EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2017. Time@Net project promotes social and work inclusion, active citizenship and participation in learning for young people with intellectual disabilities.

The article series shares good practices on engaging new learners by introducing the nominees of the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2017.

To gain a wide impact, the TIME@Net project (Transnational Network promoting Innovative Models in Education, learning and work inclusion) included in its consortium both public and private institutions in the fields of education, social work, training, research and work inclusion.

The methodology exploited the diversity of the project partners. The multidisciplinary approach included scientific research and action research, social and educational sectors, job placement, education and training, marketing and business.

Long-term impact

The project aimed at creating and testing a model of a pilot course for training agencies and work inclusion staff, and developing the employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

The consortium developed a manual and a course model for the development of the competences of the training and inclusion sectors’ personnel, a permanent online platform for joint reflection and EU co-operation, as well as training and work inclusion plans, among other things.

The project was successful in empowering the learners. Through the models developed in the project and the involvement of companies in the inclusion of disabled people, as well as the competence support for professionals, the project has aimed at a long-term impact.

The project helped to increase the learners’ employment and inclusion opportunities, improving participants’ quality of life and fostering the exercise of an active citizenship.

The project: The TIME@Net project
  • Award category: European projects (Italy)
  • Learner target group: Young people with intellectual disabilities
  • Innovative practice: A wide consortium of both public and private institutions in education, social work, training, research and work inclusion

Project coordinator

  • Organisation: ASTIR – Consorzio di cooperative sociali
  • Contact: Daniela Parigi

Project partners

  • Consortium of both private and public institutions in 8 European countries


Text: EAEAPhotos: Time@Net

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