
EAEA welcomed as a new member of the European Movement International

At the Federal Assembly of the European Movement International (EMI), that took place in The Hague (The Netherlands) on the 27th of May, EAEA was welcomed as a new member of the organization.

The European Movement (EMI) is an international organisation open to all political, economic, social and cultural trends in civil society. Its objective is to contribute to the establishment of a united, federal Europe founded on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, and respect for basic human rights.

“EAEA was warmly welcomed by the EMI representatives and EMI members. We believe that adult education needs to be represented in this pro-European civil society movement that is looking at all aspects of European integration and has the objective to strengthen the European construction. I have found in EMI many new colleagues that share the values of EAEA and look forward to working with them”, says Policy Officer Tania Berman, who attended the event on behalf of EAEA.

French member La Ligue de l’Enseignement and EMI France have concluded a collaboration agreement some days before the Federal Assembly took place and will work together on several issues. We encourage other EAEA members to take contact with EMI national members to collaborate together.

Text: EAEAPhotos: European Commission, Tania Berman

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