A newly published manual a supports adult education staff in conducting trainings on soft skills.

A practical approach to soft skills use in non-formal education

There is no doubt that adult educators and trainers need to possess a wide range of competences to effectively respond to their everyday challenges. Working closely not only with learners, but also with other adult education staff, they have to demonstrate highly developed soft skills.

Looking worldwide, specifically to Southeast Asia, A Manual of Soft Skills Use in Non-Formal Education has been developed by one of EAEA’s German member, dvv International, and Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) from India.

The idea was to create a tool for facilitators and trainers involved in non-formal education to help build a common understanding of the key concepts and offer practical advice. To this end, the publication adapts material from the Manual on Participatory Training Methodology elaborated by PRIA.

From key definitions to practice

The manual is built around key concepts related to soft skills: teamwork, leadership, decision-making and interpersonal communication, among others. To complement those understandings, every chapter mentions not only a comprehensive definition, but also several methodologies to use during trainings. Sample sessions of soft skills trainings are coupled with relevant exercises, which provide a valuable source of material for trainers.

While the publication tends to focus on Southeast Asia, it can be adapted to national contexts. It is available as a PDF download in English, with more translations into Khmer, Lao and Vietnamese coming soon. For more information, please contact the responsible project manager of DVV International, Ms. Dalouny Sisoulath.

Text: Cristina DannaPhotos: Regent Language Training

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