Building on priorities of the renewed European agenda for adult learning, the report provides insight into the field of adult education and training in Europe. Through an array of indicators it compares key policy domains to support evidence-based policy making. The report emphasises policies and measures to facilitate access to learning opportunities for adults lacking basic skills or sufficient qualifications. Starting from a selection of contextual indicators on adult education and training, the report examines national policy commitments to adult learning, main types of publicly subsidised programmes, learning flexibility and progression pathways, outreach initiatives and guidance services as well as targeted financial support.
The report covers 35 national education systems located in 32 European countries (all EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey). It draws on several data sources, the prime source being the information gathered through the Eurydice Network in 2014. Alongside Eurydice information, the report also includes statistical data from international surveys and outcomes from a range of research projects.
The report can be downloaded as a free PDF file at Eurydice website.