
EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018 call published

This year’s EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018 celebrates cooperations and partnerships. The Award is given to organisations or project consortiums who present the best transnational projects in adult learning.

Successful adult education strategies, initiatives and projects do not happen in isolation. Cooperations and partnerships are becoming more and more important and often contribute to more innovation, better provision and more participants.

Cooperations and partnerships can promote:

  • Better outreach to new learners;
  • New adult education provision in new areas;
  • New learning environments;
  • New learning pathways;
  • And much more!

This year, EAEA Grundtvig Awards will be given to organisations or project consortiums that present best examples of cooperations or partnerships in their nominated project.

With the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2018 EAEA aims to raise awareness, at a European level, for successful cooperations and partnerships to further adult learning, to raise awareness of the importance of cooperations and partnerships in adult education, and to inspire new partnerships and cooperations in and with adult education.

More information

Photos: rawpixel.com on Unsplash

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