ET2020: What will come after 2020?

In a statement released in September 2019, EAEA demands setting more ambitious benchmarks for adult education, increasing the visibility of adult education within the field of education and training, making access to and participation in lifelong learning a human right and promoting life skills for a more social and sustainable European future.

Download the statement (pdf)

EAEA makes a number of recommendations for the follow-up framework of ET2020. We recommend to

  1. expand the target for adult learning and include a benchmark of 60% of the population participating in adult education, using the Adult Education Survey,
  2. extend the age groups considered in the Labour Force Survey and Adult Education Survey to the age of 80 years,
  3. set the share of the gross domestic product spent on adult learning at 1.5% of the GDP,
  4. avoid renaming “adult education” to “continuous learning” to ensure that adult education is considered in its diversity that takes into account different target groups and learning needs, 
  5. recognise adult education as a central education sector as well as to provide adequate financial instruments,
  6. promote life skills for the personal and professional development of individuals as well as the development of communities,
  7. build an inclusive and comprehensive strategy that includes all sectors of education within the lifelong learning continuum for tackling the Sustainable Development Goals and combating climate change and
  8. enable more and closer cooperation between the different education sectors, including through political and financial support.

More information

Gina Ebner
EAEA Secretary-General
tel: +32 2 893 25 24