EAEA launches campaign for a continuation of the agenda for adult learning

Today more than ever, education and in particular adult education and learning (ALE) can play a decisive role in shaping the future of Europe. It equips people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to become active, responsible and engaged citizens who can influence their social, economic and natural environment to build an inclusive and sustainable future for all.

Adult learning is key for personal development and social inclusion and is also needed to meet the demand for new skills, answer the needs of the labour market but also of life in society and as individuals. The current coronavirus crisis also highlights the need for health education, building resilience, skills for parents and digital competences (also and especially for older people).

We, therefore, call for a strong adult education and learning policy at European level

You can find more information about the campaign, the Agenda for Adult Learning and our recommendations for the future on the campaign page