The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC): The role and potential of ALE – webinar

Together with our colleagues from the European Basic Skills Network, we are inviting you to a webinar on “The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC): The role and potential of ALE”.
The webinar will be held via Zoom on the 20th of February from 13h CET.
To register directly via Zoom, please follow this link. 
To find out more about the Survey of Adult Skills, follow this link.
More about the webinar:

The OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) assesses how well adults can read and understand text, work with numbers and solve complex problems – all essential and foundational skills in today’s fast-paced, information-rich and increasingly digitalised society. In 2022/23, 31 countries took part in the 2nd Survey of Adult Skills, including 27 countries who took part in the first survey  a decade earlier.  The new survey therefore provides an ideal opportunity to reflect on adults’ skills. For example, policymakers are able to compare with other countries, track changes over time and reflect on effective policy interventions. Similarly, adult educators will wish to reflect on the survey’s insights in order to develop effective programmes of learning.

In this webinar, Andreas Schleicher, OECD’s Director for Education and Skills, will provide an overview of findings at the European level. Our expert panel will then consider the role of adult learning and education in supporting everyone to get the essential skills for life and for work. This will bring perspectives from policy and practice, and reflections at the national level. We’ll also hear from an adult learner about how improving literacy and numeracy skills transformed her life.