What is ALE4TT?
Multiple global and European policy agendas recognise the challenges of the digital transition and the green transition, from Agenda 2030 to the European Green Deal. Increasingly, the green and digital transitions are no longer considered separately, but as a twin transition.
The twin transition assumes that the green and digital transitions are mutually dependent. Digital skills are essential for learning about climate change, participating in solutions or finding climate-friendly alternatives. Green and digital transitions are also connected, as large amounts of data are energy-intensive.
The ALE4TT project will support ALE organisations in better communicating, advocating and developing strategies to convince third parties such as policymakers why ALE has a crucial role to play in a just transition process. It will also support them in building a wider network with diverse allies from the broader digital and green community.
The main outputs of the project are:
- An international training programme on ALE and the twin transition, co-created with participants from ALE organisations
- An advocacy toolkit bringing together case studies and methods that can support ALE providers in advocating ALE in the twin transition.
ALE4TT training programme
How can adult learning support the twin process of green and digital transition? During a three-day training based on principles of co-design, participants will look at the possible roles of adult learning in the process of twin transition in their contexts, and will explore arguments and tools for advocacy.

Making the case for adult learning and twin transition is a training programme that invites adult learning staff from around the world to explore how adult learning can contribute to the twin green and digital transition. Based on co-design, the programme will be built around participants’ experiences in adult learning policy and practice. The goal of the training is to equip professionals working in adult education institutions with inspiration, knowledge, tools and potential partners to advocate for the green and digital transition in their contexts.
The training is organised by EAEA, the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning and the International Council for Adult Education, and co-financed by Movetia as part of the ALE4TT project.
Practical information and agenda
Online preparatory session: 15 April 2025 and the onsite training in Brussels between 5 – 7 May 2025.
The training is split over three full days with two site visits in Brussels. Please note, the following is an indicative agenda and is subject to change, and we welcome your input.
📖➡️Read the full programme (PDF)
Day 1, Monday 5 May 2025, 10am – 5pm
- Introduction, welcome & presentation of the programme
- How will the twin transition impact your work on ALE? Discussion on the input videos and common ground on theory
- What should the future vision of ALE in the twin transition be?
- Study Visit: Site visit to the BeCentral Campus in the centre of Brussels, including the Orange Fabrication Lab and Fari AI Institute. BeCentral’s mission is to close the digital gap and to help everyone become an actor of the digital revolution.
Day 2, Tuesday 6 May 2025, 9am – 5pm
- Open exchange: input from participants on their work and reflections from the study visit
- ALE advocacy for the twin transition: perspectives from the EU and challenges.
- World Cafe: Meet advocacy organisations working on ALE and green and digital advocacy at the EU and international levels
- Enhancing the learner’s voice in TT advocacy: lessons learnt and practical workshops
- Building partnerships and mapping key stakeholders to make change in your local context: Theory and Practice
Day 3, Wednesday 7 May 2025, 9.30 – 5pm
- Scenario Workshop: Building your advocacy plans
- Testing the ALE4TT Advocacy Toolkit
- Exchange of group results and feedback
- Certificates and farewell
Why should you participate?
📖➡️Read the participant call document (PDF)
During a three-day training based on principles of co-design, participants will look at the possible roles of adult learning in the process of twin transition in their contexts, and will explore tools for advocacy.
The goals of the three-day training are to:
- Meet and get to know other key adult education institution experts working on the green and digital transition
- Exchange on examples of working with the twin transition in ALE settings across Europe Understand the green and twin transition as linked social phenomena with a profound impact on adult education professionals
- Have an overview of the EU setting for advocacy for ALE providers in Europe, and understand how they can be involved
- Develop their understanding of good practices in advocating for the twin transition in their institution in Brussels and international spheres Simulate dealing with challenges that professionals may face advocating in the field. Pilot the new ALE4TT Toolkit of Advocacy, providing their feedback
- Reflect upon the future of ALE facing the green and digital transitions.
- Build your own advocacy plans for your national contexts.
How is the training financed?
There are no participation fees. The training is open to members of EAEA, ICAE and SVEBB. There are two ways your participation (accommodation, travel and food) in the training can be financed.
OPTION 1: If you are a participant based outside of Europe or in a country not covered by the Erasmus+ programme guide. Participants under option 1 are able to receive financing that includes a travel, accommodation and subsistence grant, provided by ICAE, EAEA or SVEB.
- The amount of the maximum travel grant depends on whether you are travelling within Europe or internationally. Travel within Europe: up to CHF 500 per participant and international travel: up to CHF 1300 per participant. Once enrolled, you will receive suggestions of affordable accommodation from the organisers.
- Please note that you will be asked to make your arrangements upfront. Your costs (up to the limits listed above) will be reimbursed within one month from the training. To be reimbursed, you will be asked to submit a claim form listing your expenses and complementary documents (boarding passes, tickets, receipts etc.)
OPTION 2 organisations that can access Erasmus+ KA1 funding.
- This course can be funded under an Erasmus+ KA1 mobility for organisations based outside of Belgium. Please contact your institution’s mobility coordinator for more information.
- European and international staff in adult learning working in policy, advocacy and / or communication are invited to apply to participate in the training. Funding is available to support travel costs and accommodation of EAEA members based in non-Erasmus+ programme guide country, SVEB members and ICAE members. Organisations that can access Erasmus+ KA1 funding are invited to use it to participate in the training.
How are participants selected?
Participants will be selected by EAEA, SVEB and ICAE according to the following criteria:
- Membership with SVEB, EAEA or ICAE
- Representing an umbrella organisation for ALE or an ALE provider with proven track record or interest in policy and advocacy
- Holding a position in advocacy and / or policy (or strategic management / communication, if more applicable in the specific context)
- Experience in the topic of digital and / or green transition
- At least 5 years of experience in ALE
- Fluency in English (at least B2)
- Geographical diversity of selected participants (representation of different cantons in the case of Switzerland, and of different regions of Europe / the globe in the case of EAEA and ICAE).
Additional criteria to be eligible for funding:
We would like to encourage the participation of those based outside of Europe or in a country not covered by the Erasmus+ programme guide. In Europe, countries that are eligible include Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Switzerland,
Based on the selection criteria, up to 4 participants from Europe, 3 international participants and 5 participants from Switzerland will be selected for funding. Additional 7 places will be available for participants who are self-funded / travelling with an Erasmus+ KA1 grant.
How can I apply?
To apply, please complete the application form until 28 February 2025.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email charlotte.ede(at)eaea.org