The Pedagogical Model will help educators conduct comprehensive workshops on media education. The pilot implementation of the model will be launched soon by the Smart Generation project consortium.
The Pedagogical Model is supported by results from a survey on the use of a smartphone. The surveys ran in all partner countries and reached almost 500 teachers and educators and 2000 young learners.
The model looks at four intervention areas affected by using a smartphone: identity, relations, safety and knowledge. For each area, the consortium suggests a one-hour workshop to develop the topic in depth. Teachers can, however, use only some activities and incorporate them into their regular class, as each workshop will be broken down into smaller units.
The model will soon be made available for the public and tested by partners in Italy, Spain, Latvia and Romania.
If you’d like to participate in the pilot implementation or find out more about the project, contact the project coordinator, Centro Culturale Francesco Luigi Ferrari. Don’t forget to follow the project on Facebook.