He spoke at the conference ‘Refugees’ labour market integration: challenges and initiatives to maximise potential’, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 15th of October in Brussels.
Migration is in the top of EU’s agenda
José Antonio Moreno Diaz, President of the EESC Study Group on the European Agenda on Migration, underlined that the topic was “of maximal actuality” and affected us as human beings.
“Working on this issue is currently the priority number one of the European Commission,” underlined Antoine Savary from Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) of the European Commission.
Difficulties in entering job market
Alizoy Temorsgah, a refugee from Afghanistan, gave a testimony on finding a job in a regulated profession in an EU country:
“I am an ordinary person facing many difficulties. Procedures could be simplified, they could be done in English and online, on one unique spot. But there is nothing else than paper – you must wait for hours and hours.”
Mr. Savary confirmed that the biggest difficulties for refugees to start working are the recognition of their qualifications and their language skills.
Refugees have high expectations in terms of jobs, as they are often qualified – but their qualifications are not necessarily recognised when they arrive to Europe. It is also often very difficult for them to show proofs of their certificates, after their long journey to Europe.
Language skills vary
Most often refugees quickly learn to have a good oral level but they keep a poorer written level, as the focus is on speaking. Some employers require better written language skills than what they have. On top of it, some jobs use specific vocabulary, which creates another language barrier. Following a vocational training during some years is also not possible as they often need to sustain their families immediately.
Furthermore, local authorities and administration services are not trained to face the arrival of the refugees and would need specific trainings in this field. Refugees do not always feel welcome by the local population – if they feel it strongly, then they also do not try to integrate.
Good practices on integrating the refugees
Projects focused on the integration of migrants introduced in the conference.
The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) presented several projects. In Sweden, the Max Hamburger burger chain signed a partnership with the Swedish Public Employment Service to employ refugees in entry-level positions and give them language classes. 25% of them stay in the firm afterwards.
“Mentoring for Employment” was another example: the EMPLOOI network are retired persons that work as mentors for the refugees and use their skills and professional networks to find job opportunities for them.
Caritas Europe presented then the Madga Hotel, a hotel supported by Caritas Austria and a private-public partnership, where 20 refugees welcome the guests as staff members.
“It only takes a small group of citizens to change the world. This applies to you every day,” said Stefano Mallia, rapporteur of the EESC opinion on the European Agenda on Migration, in his closing remarks.
Political recommendations by the speakers of the conferenceLocal authorities / Employment services
Recognition of qualifications
Language learning / Courses
Recommendations for the political level
Presentations from the event can be found from the EESC website.