Motivating through learner stories nationwide

As adult learning can be diverse, the campaign was organised under the name “I’m an Adult Learner” – giving the learners an identity. Thanks to the collection and promotion of learner stories, AONTAS raised awareness of the importance of adult learning among the wider public and policymakers.

The campaign took place between March and December 2016 and included three stages. The first stage, Sharing Learner Stories, involved systematic sharing of learner stories. Every Monday AONTAS shared learner stories using #MondayMotivation on its social media platform.

The second stage consisted of a targeted information campaign through blogs, press releases and local information events. In the third stage, AONTAS published a book with the learner stories, officially launched by the Irish Minister of Education and Skills. The book was distributed to a wide range of stakeholders and AONTAS continues to use it as a tool to demonstrate the transformative effect of education.

Wide reach through social media

The “I’m an Adult Learner” campaign used a variety of approaches to maximize the impact and reach. The stories presented in the first stage reached almost 100,000 Facebook users. The information blog posts reached 13,000 people; eight national media articles reached an estimated 500,000 readers. Numerous local media articles and radio interviews also raised visibility for the campaign.

Finally, the launch of the publication in December saw approximately 80 participants; two of the adult learners featured in the publication were also invited to speak as part of a panel at the Adult Skills Conference in Brussels.

The project: I’m an Adult Learner Campaign
  • Award category: National projects (Ireland)
  • Learner target group: Wider public and policymakers
  • Innovative practice: Using learner stories and social media for advocacy

Project coordinator


The article series shares good practices on engaging new learners by introducing the nominees of the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2017.