Partner projects

Making Informal Recognition Visible and Actionable (MIRVA)

The project’s aim is to improve the recognition of non-formal and informal learning through the use of Open Badges. The project examines the different conditions necessary to create a favourable environment for Open Endorsement, and provides guidelines for various target groups: organisations, practitioners, communities, individuals, technology providers and their clients.

Transnational Peer Review for Quality Assurance in Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL) Extended

The project aims to increase the transparency, market relevance, consistency and transferability of VNFIL across Europe. It supports both Member State VNFIL systems by providing a common framework and tools, as well as transnational use of VNFIL by increasing mutual trust at the European level.


The aim of the SMART GENERATION project is to develop an innovative training model at the European level in order to promote a conscious use of the smartphone, its potential and its risks, and to open a public debate on the role of digital technologies in social relationships between young people and between generations.

Let Europe Know About Adult Education

The main objective for the LEK-AE project is to increase the professionalization and quality of information work of adult education staff. In seminars, webinars and simulation games that are developed and designed in the project, adult education staff will learn more about public relations and journalistic writing. Furthermore, they will acquire skills to give this knowledge further to their colleagues and peers in adult education.

DIMA – A Toolkit for Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Adult Education

The aim of DIMA is to create a practical and innovative toolkit for developing, implementing and monitoring coherent and participative adult education strategies. This, in turn, will allow adult education providers and local authorities to actively contribute to national and EU adult education policies, increasing adult participation in education and training in a lifelong learning perspective.

 LQN – Lebensqualität durch Nähe

Lebensqualität durch Nähe (Quality of life through proximity) is a comprehensive qualification and training programme developed and implemented with citizens in order to encourage them to jointly shape their local community through participatory projects.