The project aims to contribute to upskilling, thus empowering, low-skilled adults by:
- Designing, implementing and monitoring an outreach strategy, applying participatory approaches in partnership with adult beneficiaries and local stakeholders;
- Adapting self-assessment tools to the specific sub-target groups’ needs already identified at the national level and to the Personal, Social and Learning competence (PSL competence);
- Designing, testing, assessing and validating a model for the development/reinforcement of the PSL competence for the selected categories within the heterogeneous group of low-skilled adults, based on a tailored learning programme (non-formal and contextualised learning approach);
- Transnational training targeting AE staff asked to guide and tutor low-skilled on methods and tools to support the beneficiaries in conducting the self-assessment and filling the skills gap in the sphere of the PSL competence;
- Providing guidelines to public authorities and AE providers for setting up effective and renewed policies and provisions in favour of disadvantaged and low-skilled adults.
- Project coordinator – FORMA.azione SRL, Italy
- Università degli studi Roma Tre, Italy
- Scottish Wider Access Programme SWAPWest, United Kingdom
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
- KERIGMA – Instituto de Inovacao e Desenvolvimento Social de Barcelos, Portugal
- European Association for the Education of Adults, Belgium