Tool: Value-cards and drawings

Drawings and value-cards are used in a combination at Kursustrappen, a Day Folk High School in Frederiksberg, Denmark. (The cards were originally developed in connection to a project called “We need all young people” (Brug for alle unge) led by The Danish Ministry of Education in 2012).  While using the tool the participants are becoming aware of own values and capabilities connected to civic, health, personal and interpersonal issues. The tool has no written element.


Picture 1: An example of a drawing

The value-cards and drawings are used at The Danish Folk High School Kursustrappen. They are aimed at discovering individuals’ values and beginning a process of re-establishing a connection with lost competences. During the process of working with drawings and/or value-cards, participants are becoming aware of their own values and how they can be transferred into new settings.

The method creates engagement in society as the participants are becoming aware of new opportunities and actions. The reflection and mirroring of experiences concerning challenges in life contribute to the development of motivation for lifelong learning whether on a physical or a mental level. By using it, individuals gain skills in participating in the community, managing their own life, taking care of their own physical and mental health, actively contributing to their own well-being, and improving living together in a multicultural society, thus the tool provides practical and emotional support as well. The process of discovering new opportunities for action and engagement in society is motivating – especially for a group of people with different kinds of challenges in life.

Picture 2: An example of a picture

The applicability of the innovative tool for the development of Life Skills

This method is a combination of using value cards and/or own drawings as a starting point for conversations in groups, thus does not require a high level of language skills. The conversation, led by a teacher, ensures that communication and reflection are heading in the right direction with complicated issues included in a simple way. Drawing and the visual approach is motivating, low-tech and easily available as regards using only paper and a pen. The tool is flexible and adjustable as it can be applied to conversations in groups or in a one-to-one relationship, always facilitated by a teacher/guidance counsellor to assure a useful process.