The Competence Game is developed by the Danish Adult Education Association, the Association for Day Folk High Schools in Denmark, the

Picture 1: The tool The Competence Game
National Knowledge Centre for the Validation of Prior Learning and a professional game developer in 2014. The main target group of users is the non-formal adult education sector. The tool consists of 80 competence cards, 100 job cards and 20 empty job cards. When playing, the player must consider which competence best matches a specific job.
Meanwhile, the learner gets knowledge and understanding of the eight different competence categories in the game (democratic, intercultural, communications, creative-innovative, learning, organizational, self-management and social competences). In the process of playing, an individual gains awareness of how prior learning can be used in relation to specific job functions. Accompanied, the learners develop a language for talking about prior learning and key competences.
The applicability of the innovative tool for the development of Life Skills
As the Game is connected to an electronic tool, everyone who works with guidance counselling and clarification of prior learning can be addressed and, in this case, it can be used as an introduction to this field. Everyone else can play it for the amusement, since many of the job titles in the game are a bit unusual, which turns out to be fun. The tool encompasses learning and playing.

Picture 2: Examples of competence cards in the Game