AE-PRO European Adult Education (Young) Professionals Learning Platform
The project aims at increasing young adult education professionals’ knowledge of the European Union and enable networking between adult educators in Europe. The project developed a comprehensive training course for adult education staff that brings together European developments; peer learning about each other’s systems and organisations; and European mobility.
RENEWAL – REgional NetWorking for Adult Learning in Europe
The RENEWAL project aims at strengthening the European Agenda for adult learning in the Southern and Central-Eastern regions, namely where the adult education sector is weakest, especially in terms of participation. At the same time, the project will promote the transfer of innovation and strengthen cooperation of civil society in these two regions.
OED – Outreach Empowerment Diversity
This network brings together 17 organisations from 14 countries. Our aim is to tackle the need for outreach to disadvantaged groups, for the development of more diversity in adult education, and for the empowerment of its learners to become active European citizens.
Remembering for the Future
Remembering for the Future initiative aims at collecting various World War I related projects and activities organised by Adult Education providers together in order to create dialogue, research and discussion. The project is coordinated by DVV and EAEA. The objevies of the initiative include linking World War I related activities together and tying WWI to current developments in Europe in order to learn from history and to infuse interest in discussing a mutual, European future.
ARALE – Awareness Raising for Adult Learning and Education
The ARALE project aims at collecting awareness raising and advocacy campaigns for adult education in Europe directed at the general public and policy-makers. Coordinated by EAEA with the support of two partners, the Danish Adult Education Association (DAEA) and the Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA), this project will give a stronger support for the European agenda on adult learning through the application of advocacy campaigns and further tools to improve people´s participation in lifelong learning.
EUCIS-LLL – The European Society Platform on Lifelong Learning
The project aimed at creating and maintaining a consultation platform open to all interested civil society actors in the field of lifelong learning and the future objectives of education and training systems in Europe.
DOLCETA – Online Consumer Education Tools for Adults
The project was put out to tender by DG SANCO, The Health and Consumer Protection Directorate of the European Commission, and awarded to EUCEN (European Universities Continuing Education Network) in 2003. The aim of the project was to develop interactive web-based tools for consumer education.