RALExILA project logo


RALExILA is a forward-looking project aiming to develop and deliver a model for an integrated information system of the national registries for training, focusing on ALE (Adult Learning and Education), to support the implementation of Individual Learning Accounts. With a methodology based on interoperability, accessibility and inclusiveness, the RALExILA model should include a soft framework (including quality assurance and governance frameworks for ALE system) and a hard framework (information model and guidelines for its implementation). The information model prioritises a collaborative design approach, focusing on accessibility and user experience. It addresses common challenges such as integrating quality assurance criteria, sustainability, and providing effective guidance.


  • Facilitating access to training opportunities for adults, to enable skilling, reskilling and upskilling pathways.
  • Providing information on learning offers and allowing learners to track their learning journeys with ease.
  • Enhancing transparency, quality assurance and user-friendliness through the platform provided, therefore improving learners trust in ALE.
  • Fostering a stronger level of attractiveness towards lifelong learning.
  • Supporting the implementation of Individual Learning Accounts.

Objectives and values

‘RALExILA – National Registries of Adult Learning and Education to support the deployment of Individual Learning Accounts’ aims to develop a model and a proof of concept for an integrated information system of the national registries for training opportunities, with a methodology based on interoperability, accessibility and inclusiveness, looking at quality of ALE provision.

  • Develop an integrated information system for national registries in Adult Learning and Education (ALE) and deliver a functional EU-level registry prototype.
  • Identify and assess relevant approaches for national registries through the research phase of the project, where theoretical and policy aspects will be considered through a stakeholder survey, interviews, and workshops.
  • Engage stakeholders through a holistic, learner-centred approach.
  • Foster collaboration and innovation through co-design methodologies in the modelling process
  • Pilot the prototype in four countries.
  • Drive systemic change within the ALE environment in the long-term, by promoting societal awareness of inclusive learning and developing a key part of the Individual Learning Accounts ecosystem.
  • Facilitate the transfer of innovation for future initiatives.

Associate partners


To find out more about EAEA’s projects follow this link, or contact EAEA’s Head of Projects Viola Pinzi at viola.pinzi [at] eaea.org.