Path2EU4AE provides adult learning organisations with a digital tool to navigate EU funding opportunities.

Empower Access to EU Programmes for Adult Education Institutions (Path2EU4AE)

This project empowers access to EU funding programmes for adult learning and education organisations, promotes the professionalisation of project managers in the sector, and provides an easy-to-use online information path to suitable EU funding opportunities.


  1. Empower access to centralised EU funding programmes for adult learning and education (ALE) institutions with little prior experience in project work, encourage new and inexperienced ALE institutions to participate in EU programmes, and create new networks and international cooperation for innovation;
  2. Provide an easy-to-use online tool as an information path to suitable funding programmes;
  3. Support professionalisation of project managers in adult learning and education institutions in Europe, thereby contributing to the priority of “supporting teachers and trainers” of the European education and training agenda.


  1. Survey on funding knowledge and needs of ALE providers in Europe;
  2. Online information path where ALE providers can find information about EU funding programmes that meet the needs of their organisations, educators, and groups of learners.

Target Groups

  • Project managers in ALE;
  • Decision-makers in the design of EU funding programmes.


Online tool PATH2EU4AE

The PATH2EU4AE online tool helps organisations check whether they meet the criteria for EU programmes, provides expert advice and recommends suitable funding programmes. The tool is hosted by but has its own web address:

Have you used the tool and would you like to give us your feedback? Contact us!

Survey results

As part of the project, the consortium carried out a survey to find out which EU programmes were known to the adult learning community, what the barriers to participation were and what would make participation easier.



CONEDU (Austria)


  • Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus (Austria)
  • European Association for the Education of Adults (Belgium)
  • Andragoski zavod Maribor – Ljudska univerza (Slovenia)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.