MOVE-UP develops a flexible and quality upskilling pathway for women who are dedicating most of their time and efforts to the role of mother and who are in need to (re)join education activities and the job market.
The MOVE-UP activities offer the opportunity of assessing and further developing the Personal, Social and Learning to Learn competences (PSL) acquired thanks to motherhood experience, both to develop key competences and to promote and facilitate the access to further training and employment opportunities.

Who are we?

MOVE-UP is organised by an international partnership:

  • RIDAP – Rete Italiana Istruzione degli Adulti IT
  • APEFA – Associação Portuguesa para a Educação e Formação de Adultos
  • AKEP – Academy of Entrepreneurship
  • Die Berater Unternehmensberatung
  • EAEA – European Association for the Education of Adults.

The project is also supported by Associated Partners and Alliance stakeholders, representing policy makers, labour market, education, and civil society in the participating countries.

What this project offers in practice for ALE practitioners?

  • A collection of good practices to outreach and engage with women who wish to re-join education and the job market.
  • A good insight on methods for assessing and validating prior learning related to Personal, Social and Learning to learn competence (PSL) and a new adapted method to use in your own activity.
  • An overview of methodologies for tailored learning and enhancement of PSL.
  • Joining the project implementation activities and offer them to learners in your service.
  • Free participation in national Peer Learning Activities.
  • Free participation in the National or International MOVE-UP Alliances, with peer review activities and webinars, also as a speaker.

What this project offers in practice for learners?

  • The opportunity to participate in a collaborative process to concretely make value out of the competences and skills you have gained thanks to your experience as mother.
  • The option to later join training and education activities to get new skills, more oriented to what is now needed in the job market, such as digital and personal and social skills.
  • The opportunity to participate in groups activities to share your experiences and to get and give support, with others learners (your upskilling mates) to progress in your learning and to get (back) to work.
  • Powerful learning experiences to overcome gender stereotypes and discrimination that can negatively affect women (re)entering training and labour market.