Improving adult education curricula, stimulating inclusive debates, and strengthening national and EU policies to enable Just Transition in Europe.

Just4All is an EU-funded initiative promoting a just transition through inclusive and innovative lifelong learning and adult education. The action’soverall objective is to support an inclusive recovery and digital and green transitions in Europe. More specifically, it aims to develop integrated, inclusive, and innovative adult learning and education (ALE) models that promote just transition, with a special focus on migrants, women, and low-skilled adults.

Titled “Building Social Innovation Learning Laboratories in Europe through a Just Transition for All and with All”, Just4All is a two-year project running from October 2023 to September 2025.


Just Transition in Europe, including women, migrants and adults with low level of formal qualifications need:

  • Improving adult education curricula
  • Stimulating inclusive debates
  • Strengthening national and EU policies

With strong local and regional buy-in, Just4All will facilitate the implementation of the first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) on Access to Education, training and life-long learning, and its 20th on Access to Basic Services.


Just4All aims to:

  • develop a Massive Open Open Online Course (MOOC) to promote just transition through far reaching and inclusive teaching,
  • facilitate to groups in a vulnerable situation including migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and women access to education and content related to just transition,
  • inform policymakers of the current situation, strengthening policies related to a just transition and facilitating the exchange of information and expertise among practitioners
  • conduct extensive and critical research to back the processes and claims made


This partnership offers a wide range of expertise in the project’s key areas, sustainable platforms for training and peer exchange, as well as a sounding board for new ideas and innovative tools. Together, SOLIDAR, EAEA and ICAE – bring more than 900 Civil Society Organizations from 75 countries in Europe and worldwide, a network with vast opportunities to disseminate the project’s results and raise awareness on adult education and just transition.