Archive – Social inclusion

Projects on social inclusion work with reaching out to and engaging disadvantaged learners, such as people with migrant background or the elderly.

EAEA-led projects



Transnational prison up-skilling guidance and training model (SkillHUBS)

The project aims to develop a transnational counselling and training model for inmates and to elaborate recommendations for the introduction of the model into national prison education systems across Europe.




Implementing Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity (ImplOED)

The project aims to implement the OED Grundtvig network results at different levels (policy and providers) as well as transfer them to different sectors (vocational, basic skills, etc.).



Life Skills for Europe (LSE)

The project aims to improve basic skills provision in Europe by explaining, further developing and upscaling the life skills approach.





Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity (OED)

The project improved approaches in reaching out to disadvantaged groups as well as in promoting diversity in organisations. It contributed to better teaching methodologies and enhanced active citizenship by advocating for participatory education and tailor-made learning.



Partner projects

Education by the Way project

The EDU-BTW project aims to invent and disseminate new forms of out-of-school education of adults, in particular taking into consideration the inclusion of people with low competences.

Erasmus+ / COMPLETED

Widht project

The Widht project focused on disadvantaged people such as migrants, and especially migrant women outside labour market. The project aimed to equip them with a pathway to improve language skills and to know the culture of the new country.

Erasmus+ / COMPLETED

Adult Education Made Accessible (AEMA)

The EDU-BTW project aims to invent and disseminate new forms of out-of-school education of adults, in particular taking into consideration the inclusion of people with low competences.

Erasmus+ / COMPLETED

Adult Education Made Accessible (AEMA)

AEMA project aims at contributing to an increased participation rate of people with disabilities in Adult Education by developing sustainable national and EU-Networks that are founded on the basis of trust and commitment of moving the Accessibility Agenda further.


Financial Literacy for young adults at risk (EDU-FIN)

The project aims to establish a learning curriculum on financial education based on the contribution of young adults themselves.



Know your lifestyle – Introducing Sustainable Consumption in 2nd-chance education

The project has the purpose to create an innovative pedagogical approach for discussing sustainable consumption and globalisation with second chance students and to establish a strong thematic network among Adult Education Centres and NGOS about development education.



Disseminated projects



Providing Education to foreign EU
prisoners across EU Prisons (FORINER)
The project aims to provide EU foreign national inmates in EU prisons with access to qualitative, low threshold, certified learning opportunities provided by home institutions.ERASMUS + KA3 / COMPLETED
Literacy and vocation (Lit.voc)

The project identifies literacy needs for vocational purposes and develops concepts and materials for literacy and numeracy education (skills for life) in Europe.