ABC of ALE: Introductory Training on Adult Learning and Education

How is adult learning and education (ALE) understood across Europe? What are the key principles that underpin our work?

During the ABC of ALE training, participants will get to explore the concept of non-formal adult learning and education, linking it to both theory and practice. In particular, the training will focus on holistic perspectives on ALE.
The training is open to professionals who are relatively new to the field (up to 5 years of experience). As it focuses on the concept and key principles of ALE, it can be relevant for professionals with different profiles: working in ALE provision, project management, policy or communication.
Please note that all EAEA training programmes are interactive; fluency in English is recommended. Participants who do not feel comfortable speaking English are encouraged to get in touch with EAEA staff before confirming their participation.

We kindly ask you to note that the programme below might be subject to minor changes.

Please register latest by the 15th of September. EAEA will evaluate the registrations on a rolling basis so we encourage you to sign up early.

Practical information

Dates: 22-25 October online introductory session TBC.

Venue: Brussels, Belgium

Participation Fees

EAEA member organisations, adult learners and university students 350€

NGOs 400€

for profit organisations and public institutions 500€

Programme online


Introductory session (online) (TBC)

Updates coming soon. For any additional information please contact our Communications and Capacity Building Officer Marina Sakač Hadžić at: marina.sakac[@]

Programme in Brussels

22nd of October

Setting the scene

13.30 – 14h Welcome with coffee

14 – 14.30h Getting to know each other and EAEA, practical information about the training.

14.30 – 17hWhat is adult learning and education? Why do we work in ALE? Guided exchange of personal and professional experiences in ALE.

23rd of October

Non-formal ALE: concept and key principles

09 – 09.30h Welcome with coffee

09.30 – 10h Check-in: getting started
Recap of the first day and introduction to the second day of the training.
10 – 13h What is ALE (for)? Introduction to the concept and principles of non-formal adult learning and education through the perspective of Paulo Freire. Input and discussion.

13 – 14h Lunch break

14 – 16h Education vs learning.
Holistic perspectives on ALE: introduction to the concept of Bildung. Input and workshop-based activity.
16 – 17h Check-out: self-reflection practice
Day wrapping and self and group reflection activity on the practices and main take aways.

24th of October

ALE and Life skills

09 – 09.30h Welcome with coffee

09.30 – 10h Check-in: getting started
Quick recap of the main take aways from the previous day, introduction to the third day of the training.
10 – 12.30h Life skills as an extension of basic skills: input and discussion.

12.30 – 13.30h Lunch break

13.30 – 16h Life skills in practice: study visit at an adult learning centre.
16 – 17h Check-out: self-reflection practice
Day wrapping and self and group reflection activity on the practices and main take aways.

25th of October

ALE and democracy

09 – 09.30h Welcome with coffee

09.30 – 09.45 Check-in: getting started
Quick recap of the previous day and introduction to the fourth day of the training.
10 – 13h Democracy has to be learnt! Democracy in Bildung: interactive practice.

13 – 14h Lunch break

14 – 15h Tying all the loose ends.
Interactive closing session on the principles of non-formal ALE.
15 – 16h Evaluation and reflection on the training
Immersive activity to exchange on the training experience.

Additional Information

Meet your trainers

Angeliki Giannakopoulou is a project coordinator at EAEA. She holds an Integrated Master’s degree in Computer Engineering and Informatics and has followed certified training on Adult Education and Counseling while currently studying for her Masters degree on Gender Studies. Before her work in the EAEA she was a project manager and adult educator in Greece and her key areas of interest on ALE are digitalisation and media, safe public spaces (both physical and digital) gender, and intersectionality.

Christin Cieslak is Head of Programmes and Stakeholder Engagement at EAEA. Gerontology and Adult Education/Lifelong learning graduate from Germany, with deep knowledge and working experience in transnational cooperation on a European level. She has worked for four national Agencies, assessed LLLP and E+ applications for over ten years, and was the EPALE CSS project manager.

Frequently asked questions

Eligibility criteria for participation:

We welcome adult education staff and adult learners who have an interest in broadening their knowledge on adult education and learning.

There is a limitation on the total number of participants who can take part in the face-to-face training: minimum eight and maximum twenty. EAEA reserves the right to cancel the training if the minimum number of participants is not reached. In case the interest exceeds our capacity, priority will be given to participants representing EAEA member organisations.

We encourage you to apply early as we will be evaluating the registrations on a rolling basis.

I have just registered for the training – is my participation confirmed?

Your participation in the training will be confirmed as soon as possible by email by one of the EAEA staff members.

Will EAEA make recommendations for accommodation and logistics?

Each participant will receive a practical information package which will include recommendations for affordable hotels, tips on getting around Brussels, and more.

Are there any informal get-togethers planned for participants?

EAEA will organise dinner for all participants, and possibly other activities – we will keep you posted!

What does the training fee cover?

The fee of 500 EUR, 400 EUR or 350 EUR (the amounts depend on the type of organisation you represent) covers your participation in the training in Brussels, course materials and coffee breaks.

When do I pay the fee?

EAEA will invoice you for the participation in your training after your registration. Please note that all participants are asked to pay the fee before the training takes place; the deadline for payment will be indicated on the invoice.

More questions?

For more information please contact EAEA’s Head of Capacity-Building at aleksandra.kozyra [at] or Communications and Capacity-Building officer Marina Sakač Hadžić at marina.sakac[at]