Associate Member

Fäustlestrasse 5a 80339 München, Germany
Phone: (0049) 89 510 800
Email: hella.krusche (at) , bvv (at)
Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V. - Bavarian Adult Education Association
Who we are?
The Bavarian Association for Adult Education (bvv)* was founded in 1946 as the regional organization of the adult education centres
in Bavaria. Today the Bavarian Association has 200 member facilities with more than 1,000 locations throughout Bavaria. A leading role is attributed to adult education centres teaching task of lifelong learning. Adult Education Centres are open to everyone, open to people of all social strata and income groups, all backgrounds and cultures, for people with and without disabilities. They are open to people with different or opposing views. Learning sites in neighbourhoods and accessible rooms make the offers of the Adult Education Centres not only accessible but particularly attractive for their target group.
The Adult Education Centres also implement their public mission with a social component. They work economically, but are not profit-oriented. Attendance figures are impressive proof of the success of this approach. The educational programme offers are demand-oriented and carefully concentred at the educational needs: Second chance and remedial education, multilingualism and integration, employment and training capability, health and quality of Life, culture and creativity, Political participation and civic engagement.
What we do?
The Bavarian Association for Adult Education offers training to pedagogical staff in six main areas: Society and Culture, Health, Languages and Vocation, Basic skills, Literacy and School-leaving qualifications. Since 2000 European Cooperation builds a regular feature.
The Bavarian Association for Adult Education maintains numerous strategic partnerships with facilities for adult education at state, national and European levels. Adult education centres in Bavaria efficiently work within an network. They cooperate closely with the member facilities of both the German and the European Association. Among the educational goals aimed at are: development and implementation of European education formats; support of regions with target orientated education offers and promotion of professional mobility within European work and education market, as well as promotion of intercultural communication of all citizens belonging to the European community.
The Bavarian Association for Adult Education maintains an office to fulfil its central n ationwide tasks. The organizational structure and itinerary are regularly checked and carefully coordinated with new requirement. The association office is the service centre of adult education centres in Bavaria and ensures representation & public relation, education & development, policy & strategy.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Germany

Associate member
Landesverband der Volkshochschulen Schleswig-Holsteins e.V. - Association of Adult Education Centres in Schleswig-Holstein

Associate member
Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. - Adult Education Centre in the District of Cham e.V.

Associate member
Volkshochschule Bonn Adult Education Center Bonn

Associate member
Volkshochschulverband Baden - Württemberg e. V. - Association of the Popular Universities in Baden - Württemberg

Associate member
Verband der Volkshochschulen des Saarlandes e.V.

Ordinary member
Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Deutschland - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (KEB Deutschland e.V.) - Catholic Adult Education of Germany

Associate member
Europäische Bildungs - und Begegnungszentren e.V. - European Centres for Culture and Communication

Associate member
Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung – Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen (DIE) - The German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning

Ordinary member
Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV) - German Adult Education Association

Ordinary member
Deutsche Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung e.V. (DEAE)

Associate member
Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V. - Bavarian Adult Education Association

Ordinary member
Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e.V. (AdB) - Association of German Educational Organizations

Associate member
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholisch-Sozialer Bildungswerke in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (AKSB) - Association for Catholic-Social Educational Centres in the Federal Republic of Germany

Ordinary member
Bundesarbeitskreis Arbeit und Leben e.V. DGB/VHS - Work and Life

Associate member
Agentur für Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung - Agency of Adult and Further Education
Members by country
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