Ordinary Member

Mühlendamm 3, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 400401-00
Email: info (at) adb.de
WWW: https://www.adb.de
Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e.V. (AdB) - Association of German Educational Organizations
Who we are?
We are an association made up of approximately 170 continuing education centres throughout Germany with various profiles – youth education centres, adult education centres, academies, Europe centres, educational centres of party-related foundations and international encounter centres. As a whole these independent educational organisations represent a wide spectrum of various training offers as well as organisational structures. The Association of German Educational Organisations (AdB) was founded in 1959 as a registered association. We are a pluralistic, content-independent association. We are supported by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
What we do?
We aim to preserve and promote civic education as an important element of democracy. We offer to our members comprehensive information on the association and civic education, concrete assistance and a forum for international exchange on the basis of its non-partisan expertise and wide spectrum of subjects covered.
We provide:
- a forum for the analysis of the fundamental and current questions and problems of youth and adult education;
- participation in commissions and working groups, in which key points of various fields of work are debated, positions are formulated, educational tools are developed and information on training, youth, didactic and economic contents is presented;
- further training possibilities via conferences and workshops at which important themes are treated and discussed with experts;
- participation in bi-national and international specialised programmes for managers of youth work.
Our best practices
Project-Website (citizenship education with young people)
Project-Website (citizenship education with refugees)
Interview with Ina Bielenberg, managing director of the AdB, on civic education (in German)
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Germany

Associate member
Landesverband der Volkshochschulen Schleswig-Holsteins e.V. - Association of Adult Education Centres in Schleswig-Holstein

Associate member
Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. - Adult Education Centre in the District of Cham e.V.

Associate member
Volkshochschule Bonn Adult Education Center Bonn

Associate member
Volkshochschulverband Baden - Württemberg e. V. - Association of the Popular Universities in Baden - Württemberg

Associate member
Verband der Volkshochschulen des Saarlandes e.V.

Ordinary member
Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Deutschland - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (KEB Deutschland e.V.) - Catholic Adult Education of Germany

Associate member
Europäische Bildungs - und Begegnungszentren e.V. - European Centres for Culture and Communication

Associate member
Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung – Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen (DIE) - The German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning

Ordinary member
Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV) - German Adult Education Association

Ordinary member
Deutsche Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung e.V. (DEAE)

Associate member
Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V. - Bavarian Adult Education Association

Ordinary member
Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e.V. (AdB) - Association of German Educational Organizations

Associate member
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholisch-Sozialer Bildungswerke in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (AKSB) - Association for Catholic-Social Educational Centres in the Federal Republic of Germany

Ordinary member
Bundesarbeitskreis Arbeit und Leben e.V. DGB/VHS - Work and Life

Associate member
Agentur für Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung - Agency of Adult and Further Education
Members by country
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