Associate Member
Mrs. Gordana Bošković ,Rimski Trg bb 81 000, Podgorica, Montenegro
Phone: +382 69 371 648
Centar za Strucno Obrazovanje (CSO) - Centre for Vocational Education and Training (VET Centre)
Who we are?
VET Centre, as developmental, advisory and research institution, shall establish and improve vocational and adult education system, for the sake of producing professionals, fully equipped for the labour market, education follow-up and life-long learning, in line with their personal, social and economic interests.
What we do?
– VET Centre develops and implements reform processes of vocational and adult education, by complying with strategic commitments of the Government, laws, bylaws and international standards, thus contributing to the creation of coherent and remarkable education system.
– VET Centre develops and strengthens partner relations with commercial entities, trade unions, labour market and other relevant partners on the national and local level, for the sake of better understanding of the needs of economy and adequate response of the vocational and adult education system in terms of creating needed, competent and competitive human resources on the labour market.
– VET Centre provides full technical and professional support to schools and adult education providers in the implementation of curricula and training programmes, professional development of management and teachers, establishing contacts with commercial entities, for the sake of more efficient and better education of students and learners.
– VET Centre develops high quality partner cooperation with international institutions and associations for the sake of exchange of experience and examples of good practice, as well as the improvement of vocational and adult education system.
– VET Centre continuously works on the promotion of vocational and adult education, and life-long learning concept for the sake of motivating youth and adults to get involved into the system of vocational and adult education.
– VET Centre works on permanent improvement of technical and spatial conditions for the completion of working tasks, professional development of the staff, involvement in the process of planning and decision making, as well as the creation of atmosphere of mutual esteem and confidence.
Best practices
– The Research of the Needs for Professional Development of VET Teachers and Accredited Adult Educators in Montenegro is the part of EPALE1 Project implemented in Montenegro from the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2018. General objective of the Research is identification of professional development needs and improvement of professional development programme of teachers, initiation of training whose content would correspond to the identified educational needs and the enhancement of professional and didactic-methodical competence of teachers.(Here)
– A document, created within the Project: National Coordinator for Adult Learning, Work Plan: Montenegro, is a special contribution to the promotion of not only national, but also European adult education policy. This is the first comprehensive document in Montenegro, which treats almost all aspects of adult education and learning, providing specific recommendations for further development of national adult education system. (Here)
– Publication : With a view of strengthening the promotion of adult education both on the national and international level, this publication has been created within EPALE project. Its basic purpose is to inform primarily professional but also general public on the significance of adult education and trends in this area on the national and European level. Within the project: National Coordinator for Adult Learning, Work plan: Montenegro, preparatory activities have been initiated for the sake of creating the first Guide through the System of Non-Formal Education. The Project is implemented within Erasmus+ Programme, co-financed by the European Union. The Guide is being developed with the aim to provide information, at one place, to citizens on how, when and in what way in Montenegro it is possible to acquire qualifications of a level of education, vocational qualifications, key competences and other knowledge and skills. The Guide is intended to all adults (the term adult is used according to its meaning in the Law on Adult Education) for the sake of their familiarization and motivation to get involved in various educational activities offered by licenced adult education organizers and other relevant institutions in Montenegro. During the creation of the Guide, there will also be a report on low-qualified persons in Montenegro.
A Guide : The Guide will also be published on EPALE platform in October 2016.
Manual : This is the first andragogical manual aimed to support teachers who deliver the Programme of Elementary Functional literacy.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Montenegro
Associate member
Centar za Strucno Obrazovanje (CSO) - Centre for Vocational Education and Training (VET Centre)
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