Associate Member
Mandy Mifsud (Ministry for Education) 1810 Floriana, Malta
Phone: (00356) 2598 1130
Id-Direttorat għat-Tagħlim Tul il-Ħajja - Directorate for Lifelong Learning
Who we are?
Directorate for Lifelong Learning in Malta aims at sustaining a knowledge-based economy,and sees learning as a Lifelong pursuit as the key to success. To ensure a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Directorate for Lifelong Learning offers adult learning classes in several areas of knowledge. The Directorate is also contributing towards a strong base of high level graduates by offering scholarships in several priority sectors of the knowledge-based economy.
More specifically, the objectives of the Directorate for Lifelong Learning are to:
- design a national strategy in lifelong learning;
- bring about coordination in this sector by making optimal use of the diverse lifelong learning opportunities;
- lift the barriers for participation in adult learning so that the overall participation is increased;
- adopt the Action Plan on Adult Education as set out by the European Commission;
- address the imbalances in participation in order to achieve a more equitable state of affairs;
- to nurture creativity and promote the visual and performing arts;
- provide undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships to create more opportunities for further specialisation at higher levels of education, therefore increasing the availability and employment of high-level graduates in the priority sectors of the knowledge-based economy in Malta.
What we do?
A number of courses including Academic, Information Technology, Literacy, Numeracy, Crafts, Leisure and Creative Arts; that the Adult LifeLong Learning Directorate is offering in various adult learning centres throughout the islands of Malta and Gozo.
Adult Learners who wish to:
- improve their academic qualifications;
- seek employment or improve their chances for a better position at work;
- be able to help their children in their homework or studies;
- finish off their secondary or post-secondary education;
- become computer literate;
- obtain the ECDL certificate;
- overcome literacy or numeracy problems;
- learn a craft;
- pursue some subjects for pleasure;
- tap their creative resources through Art, Music or Drama
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Malta
Associate member
Id-Direttorat għat-Tagħlim Tul il-Ħajja - Directorate for Lifelong Learning
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