Associate Member
Szent István tér 17. 7624 Pécs Hungary
Phone: +36 72 215543; +36 20 9733288
Nevelők Háza Egyesület (NHE) - Centre for Educators’ Association (CEA)
Who we are
Nevelők Háza Egyesület (Centre for Educator’s Association – CEA) is one of the leading NGOs in Hungary. We operate numerous projects and public institutions in the city of Pécs in cooperation with the local municipality. At CEA we aim to support the civil grassroots movements. With our internal and external resources, they can grow, strengthen, and be more active. In turn, they can encourage the growth of their closer and wider surroundings.
In the past 25 years, we have collaborated with local stakeholders. These include the university, the municipality, local authorities and institutions, schools, civic organizations, and grassroots movements.
We are committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities. This refers to all citizens in public policies and associated practices, which are an integral part of democratisation and the creation of an open society. We promote values of solidarity, tolerance, volunteering, active living, inter-cultural dialogue and citizens’ participation. Helping the social integration of disadvantaged groups and the vindication of human rights, and differences, the promotion of the acceptance of social variegation, and the fight against discrimination.
CEA played a major role in organising and implementing the UNESCO Learning City Award to Pécs. It was the first city in Hungary to get the award after decades of community development and hard work.
What we do
We were founded in 1993 and have been developing our civil society for the past 30 years. Since 1997 we have maintained the House of Civic Communities and helped launch several local organisations. Under the umbrella of CEA, we have more than 100 communities, formal and non-formal civil organisations, associations, foundations, art groups etc. operating in the building.
With our infrastructural capabilities, we provide services, training activities, educational programmes and non-formal ALE workshops and conferences. In accordance with the principles of sheltering, counselling, lifelong learning, empowerment and development. Our awareness-raising work is focused on the education of young people and their human rights. These include learning about prejudice, social inequality, multiculturalism, relationships and gender roles.
Best practices
Introduction video of the House of Civil Communities operated by the Educators’ House Association.
We have actively participated in EU projects and programmes since 2012. Some of the most recent ones are: Engage4Bio (2022); TALE (2022); EDPOWER (2021-2023); Have your say (2019-2022); SingingCom (2020-2022); Play with us! (2020-2022); Core-Relief project (2020-2023); Bildng+digital?!(2019-2022); ACETrainer (2020-2022) and many others.
The Peer Gynt Project – Piloting sustainable methods for the development of social services in Pécs (Municipality of Pécs, 2017)
Digitális forradalom világunkban – Digital revolution in our world (Nevelők Háza Egyesület, 2019)
Pécs Learning City-Region Forum – Best practices (University of Pécs, 2015, Editor: Dr. Balázs Németh)
ProHáló:Civil Workshop Vols 4. – Nonprofit marketing (Nevelők Háza Egyesület,2010.)
ProHáló: Civil Workshop Vols 3.- Networks and cooperations in the third sector (Nevelők Háza Egyesület, 2009.)
ProHáló: Civil Workshop Vols 2. – Development of Networks (Nevelők Háza Egyesület 2008.)
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Hungary
Associate member
MINDFLUENCER Community Public Benefit Association - MINDFLUENCER Közösség Közhasznú Egyesület
Associate member
Modus Alapítvány - Modus Foundation
Associate member
Nevelők Háza Egyesület (NHE) - Centre for Educators’ Association (CEA)
Associate member
Pécsi Tudományegyetem Felnőttképzési és Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Kar - Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development - University of Pécs
Ordinary member
Magyar Népfőiskolai Társaság - Hungarian Folk High School Society (HFHSS)
Members by country
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